Opening Reception
All participants are invited to an opening reception on Tuesday, June 7, from 6:00PM – 8:00PM on the Marriott Marquis Skyline Level.
Awards Ceremonies
There will be two awards ceremonies to celebrate the winners of the 2020-2022 AACC annual awards.
The 2020 and 2021 AACC Award Ceremony will be Tuesday, June 7, from 4:30PM – 6:00PM, in the Imperial Ballroom A.
The 2022 AACC Award Ceremony will be Thursday, June 9, from 11:30AM – 12:30PM in the Imperial Ballroom A.
ACC 2022 Women in Control Luncheon
We invite you to attend the Women in Control luncheon to meet, greet and network with colleagues while listening to inspiring speakers.
Date: Wednesday June 8, 2022, 12:00-2:00PM (EST)
Room: Marquis A
Topic: Diversity and inclusion initiatives at CSS and IFAC
12:00 Welcome and Speaker Introductions
12:15 Dawn Tilburry, President American Automatic Control Council (AACC)
Mangnus Egerstedt, IEEE CSS President-Elect
Hideaki Ishii, IEEE-CSS VP Diversity
1:00 Informal networking
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Dawn Tilbury is a Professor at the University of Michigan with a joint appointment in both mechanical and electrical engineering departments. From 2017 t0 2021, she has served as assistant director for engineering at the National Science Foundation. Her research interests include control systems, including applications to robotics and manufacturing systems. Dr. Tilbury has been active in professional society and academic leadership positions, and has received numerous honors and awards for outstanding research and leadership. She has acted as a principal investigator on dozens of highly competitive federal awards, including an NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grant in 1998. She has supervised dozens of graduate students and planned the Big 10 Women’s Workshops, a multi-university mentoring and networking workshop series for junior women faculty in engineering.

Dr. Magnus Egerstedt is a robotics Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he serves as school chair for the top-ranked School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research focuses on swarm robotics and on how to make large teams of robots – may they be in the air, on the ground, or even under water – come together to solve complex tasks. He is a pioneer in the area of distributed decision making and machine learning, and his most recent research venture involves the use of robots to help combat climate change through the SlothBot, which is a slow, energy-efficient, environmental monitoring robot deployed in the tree canopies. Dr. Egerstedt has won a number of research and teaching awards, he has authored over 500 scholarly articles, and his research is frequently featured in the popular media, including the Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, and NPR.

Dr. Hideaki Ishii is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan. His research interests are in networked control systems, multiagent systems, cyber security of power systems, and distributed and probabilistic algorithms. Dr. Ishii has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Control Systems Letters and the Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems and previously for Automatica, the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. He is the Chair of the IFAC Coordinating Committee on Systems and Signals since 2017. He received the IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award in 2015. He is an IEEE Fellow.

Young Professionals Social Mixer
Event title: Young Professionals Social Mixer
Date: Wednesday, June 8th, 6-8pm
Location: Pulse Bar at Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel
Please join us for the ACC Young Professionals Social Mixer to form new contacts and explore collaboration opportunities among Young Professionals. Food will be provided! This reception is open to conference participants, local IEEE members, or any other interested visitor. Click here to RSVP.
Conference Banquet
Thursday, June 9, 12:30PM – 2:00PM in the Marriott Marquis Ballroom A-D.
A banquet ticket is included with the registration packets for Member and Non-Member registrants. Additional banquet tickets can also be purchased for $100 each.
Student Networking
Title: Student Networking Event
Date: Thursday, June 9th, 4:30-5:30pm
Room: L402-403
Organizer: Energy Systems Technical Committee Student Liaisons
Abstract: This one-hour session is a networking event designed to introduce students to professionals in industry, academia, and national labs. Students, in small groups, will be given the opportunity to have structured conversations with three different members of the control community and ask any questions they may have. This will be a valuable opportunity to make connections and learn more about future career paths. Attendance is limited to the first 60 students to sign up. Sign up here.
Closing Reception

The conference closing reception will be held at the Georgia Aquarium, a short distance from the conference hotel on Friday, June 10 from 6:00PM-8:00 PM. Known as the largest aquarium in the western hemisphere, the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is home to hundreds of species and thousands of animals across its seven major galleries, all of which reside in more than 11 million US gallons of fresh and saltwater. ACC attendees will be able to explore all of the exhibits and galleries for the evening, including viewing whale sharks, beluga whales, manta rays, penguins, sea otters, dolphins, river habitats, and coral reefs. They will also have an opportunity to visit the newest gallery, Sharks! Predators of the Deep, one of the largest and most dynamic shark exhibits in North America. Home to some of the most recognizable apex predators in the ocean, this exciting new gallery experience will bring attendees face to face with the most enigmatic and misunderstood creatures in the sea, all while enjoying the company of colleagues. Additional tickets to the reception are available for $90.
Georgia Tech Tour
Participants and their guests arriving on Tuesday, June 7 may take a free tour of Georgia Tech, including control and robotics research labs. The 90 minute tour commences at 2:00PM on campus, which is accessible by a 10 minute drive or by MARTA and a short walk. Tour is full.