Monday Evening (June 6) Special Sessions
Local Industry Interaction
This special session is to allow local industry/government/related area folks the opportunity to meet live (in person or remotely) with members of the controls community for a question and answer panel based on the material that has been shared with them online.
Friday Noon (June 10) Special Sessions
Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers: Adding Feedback Principles and Understanding to Teaching Robotics, Programming, and Other STEM Classes
This special session aims at outreach to middle and high school teachers. We are aiming this workshop at teachers as schools in Atlanta will have been out of session for two weeks at the time of ACC 2022. Past experience shows that it can become difficult to recruit students at this point in their summer break, and this can be exacerbated by the continuing Covid-19 pandemic. However, it seems that we might be able to do effective outreach to the teachers in these areas. In particular we take the approach that many teachers are already involved in teaching students hands-on activities such as programming and robotics. This leads to the question, “Can we show teachers how to add an understanding of feedback principles to things that the students are already engaged with?” We will also renew our effort to reach teachers of under-served communities. Georgia Tech has an office of engagement with local STEM teachers and we will coordinate with them.