American Automatic Control Council (A2C2)

The American Automatic Control Council is an organization founded in 1957 for research in control theory. It is an association of the control systems divisions of eight member societies and a member of the International Federation of Automatic Control.

International Federation of Automatic Control (IFACS)

The International Federation of Automatic Control, founded in September 1957, is a multinational federation of 49 national member organizations, each one representing the engineering and scientific societies concerned with automatic control in its own country.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The American Society of Civil Engineers is a tax-exempt professional body founded in 1852 to represent members of the civil engineering profession worldwide. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, it is the oldest national engineering society in the United States

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is an American professional association that, in its own words, “promotes the art, science, and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe” via “continuing education, training and professional development, codes and standards, research, conferences and publications, government relations, and other forms of outreach.” ASME is thus an engineering society, a standards organization, a research and development organization, an advocacy organization, a provider of training and education, and a nonprofit organization. Founded as an engineering society focused on mechanical engineering in North America, ASME is today multidisciplinary and global.

International Society of Automation (ISA)

Founded in 1945, the International Society of Automation is a leading, global, nonprofit organization with more than 40,000 members worldwide. ISA develops standards, certifies industry professionals, provides education and training, publishes books and technical articles, and hosts conferences and exhibitions for automation professionals. ISA’s 160 geographical sections, connect members with technology, expert advice, and world-class technical programming. Learn more.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers is a professional organization for chemical engineers. AIChE was established in 1908 to distinguish chemical engineers as a profession independent of chemists and mechanical engineers.


The Applied Probability Society is a subdivision of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The Society is concerned with the application of probability theory to systems that involve random phenomena, for example, manufacturing, communication network, computer network, service, and financial systems. The Society promotes the development and use of methods for the improvement of evaluation, control, and design of these systems. Such methods include (stochastic) dynamic programming, queueing theory, Markov decision process, discrete event dynamic systems, point processes, large deviations, reliability, and so on. Our members include practitioners, educators, and researchers with backgrounds in business, engineering, statistics, mathematics, economics, computer science, and other applied sciences.